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Visual Act

Laurent Piron - Paper Ball 1 (HD).jpg

"Wonderful , Elegant , Touching...

For an audience, to really feel a piece of Magic… That is the ultimate goal. 
In our Art, it is very rare ! 
A true gift.

Laurent Piron and Hugo Van de Plas have achieved this dream...

Congratulations !"
David Copperfield

For booking, please contact:

logo S2A international bleu.png

Act time: 8 min

2 people touring

Set-up timings:

Technicals: 15 min

Lighting: 15-30 min

Need one flybar in center stage

Performers: Laurent Piron or Nunzia Scourneau
Created and directed by: 

Laurent Piron & Hugo Van De Plas

Dramaturgy: Sylvia Delsupexhe

Original song: Simon Fransquet
Lighting design: Jonas Libon

Inspirations: Etienne Saglio, Yann Frisch, Cie 14:20


With the help of Fédération Wallonie-BruxellesWallonie-Bruxelles International and Infini sprl.

And with the precious help of:

Angel Ramos Sanchez, Olivier Creppe, Boris Prager, Yu Ho Jin, Luis De Matos, Charline Dumestre, Michel Charpentier, Renan Frisée, Lucien Halleux, Lucas Andre, Ben Stassen, Fred Vanberg, Enzo Bianca, Philippe Bougard, Clement Kerstenne...

Meet Paper Ball !

A simple piece of paper that can be surprising, endearing, moving and mischievous ...

A unique magical character that brings us back to childhood.


In this original act, a new genre of magic is born that transports us into a surrealistic world.

A memorable performance that will be a great addition to your evening gala or cabaret.

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