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Time Inside Myself


TIM is a complete re-creation of our previous show "BATTEMENT DE PEUR". The "world champion" act PAPER BALL is still part of it.

Whether you are a child or an adult, a man or a woman, we have all experienced fear.
Most of the time, we try to avoid it… But what if fear wasn’t scary anymore?

Laurent Piron will take you to a journey in his subconscious and will explore his fears: those that paralyse him, those that make him stronger and those that he has already conquered. Together, we will discover various aspects of this universal emotion.

In this story, where Laurent's imagination is the only constraint, you will experience magic in a brand new way. Instead of defying your reason, it will nourish your imagination and take you to another world.

This show will take you on an emotional journey in a world where anything is possible.

“ Dès que le rideau se lève, la pièce abolit les règles de la pesanteur en dévoilant un homme suspendu dans les airs, comme figé au beau milieu d’une chute. Puis, pendant près d’une heure, c’est le décor tout entier qui va s’envoler dans d’étranges embardées, sautiller magiquement, jouer à cache­cache avec notre percep­tion. TIM déploie un costaud dispositif invisible pour tisser, au final, une ode délicate à la fragilité des êtres.”

— LE SOIR, C. Makereel

“I have rarely experienced magic images that plays with emotions in such this way.”


60 minutes

All age from 6 years old

Actor: Laurent Piron
Director: Hugo Van de Plas
Sylvia Delsupexhe
Writers: Laurent Piron, Sylvia Delsupexhe & Hugo Van De Plas
Original music: Grégoire Gerstmans
Lightning design: Renaud Minet
Video Design: Jos Claesen and Maxime Lorand

Help with scenography: Marie Helene Tromme
Directing assistant: Karim Selhab
Technicians: Olivier Creppe, Lucas André, Julien Legros and Jean-François Bertrand

In coproduction with:
Mars - Mons arts de la scène and Infini SRL.

With the help of:

Centre Culturel de Spa, Centre Culturel de Welkenraedt, Loterie Nationale, province de Liège and Wallonie.


With the precious help of:

Jonas Libon, Shadow to Live, Georges Piron, Lucien Halleux, Dany Ernst, Corentin Hubin, Guillaume Piette, Renan Frisee, 

Fred Vanberg, Cie Doble Mandoble and the technical team of the Manège de Mons.

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